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Maand: juli 2017 (Pagina 2 van 4)

Pink bunnies carried by giants

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”
Isaac Newton

This piece was an abstract experiment, resulting in a world of pink bunnies being carried by giants. I think it would be a lovely idea if the world would be dominated by pink bunnies 😁 Dont carry your burdens alone, carry them together, share the weight, make your world lighter. ✌️


“Pink bunnies carried by giants



Painters had to grind up the semi-precious stone lapis lazuli in order to make ultramarine, the deep blue pigment that is the hallmark of many Renaissance paintings. The name comes from the Latin ultramarinus, meaning “beyond the sea”, because the stones were imported from mines in Afghanistan by Italian traders in the 14th and 15th century. Ultramarine was so expensive that some paintings were never finished because the painter couldn’t afford to buy more pigment! Even Michelangelo couldn’t afford it and Raphael used it only for a top coat.



“Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.”
Jim Carrey




Venomous Tentacula
The clue is in the name – this isn’t the kind of plant you’d give your aunt for her conservatory. How many plants to do you know that actually go through a teething phase? Luckily during Herbology lessons it is deemed acceptable to swear loudly if attacked by one of these spiky, dark red plants. And in the right hands they’re the perfect weapons for tackling a Death Eater.
(Source: Pottermore.com J.K. Rowling 😉)



“I wanna touch the earth
I wanna break it in my hands
I wanna grow something wild and unruly
I wanna sleep on the hard ground
In the comfort of your arms
On a pillow of blue bonnets
In a blanket made of stars”

Dixie Chicks – Cowboy take me away 🎵


Faced with blue

Ironic process theory or the white bear problem refers to the psychological process whereby deliberate attempts to suppress certain thoughts make them more likely to surface.
“Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute.”
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Winter Notes on Summer Impressions

Trying real hard to NOT see the creepy face in the upper right corner.

You’re welcome 🙃😜

“Faced with blue”


“The waves broke and spread their waters swiftly over the shore. One after another they massed themselves and fell; the spray tossed itself back with the energy of their fall. The waves were steeped deep-blue save for a pattern of diamond-pointed light on their backs. The waves fell; withdrew and fell again, like the thud of a great beast stamping.”
Virginia Woolf, The Waves


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