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Tag: Dutchart (Pagina 1 van 2)

Out of this world

“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.”

Carl Sagan


“Out of this world”

One of my personal favorites, the colors, details, like a distant nebula in a far away galaxy. The sky will never cease to amaze me. 💜

Red Sea

Was the mythical parting of the Red Sea triggered by Moses’ outstretched hand or an unusual chain of perfectly natural causes?
Volzinger and Androsov calculated that a wind blowing at the speed of 67 miles per hour sustained overnight could have exposed a reef that existed close below the ocean surface. The Israelites could have then fled over the passage before the wind died down and waters rose again, blocking the way for pursuing Egyptian soldiers in their wheeled chariots.
Volzinger explains that some 3,500 years ago, the reef would have been closer to the water’s surface so it would have been exposed for just the right amount of time.
“It would take the Jews … four hours to cross the 7-kilometer reef that runs from one coast to another,” Volzinger told The Moscow Times. “Then, in half an hour, the waters would come back.”
A miracle? Perhaps. Great timing? Certainly, argues Colin Humphreys, a physicist at Cambridge University in England.

“Red Sea”

Red planet

Take a deep breath. What do you think you just breathed in? Mostly Nitrogen, about a fifth of that breath was Oxygen and the rest was a mix of other gases. To get the same amount of oxygen from one Earth breath, you’d have to take around 14,500 breaths on Mars! With the atmosphere being 100 times less dense, and being mostly carbon dioxide, there’s not a whole lot of oxygen to breathe in.
(Source: NASA)


“Red planet”


“I’d like to be a water-lily sleeping on the river,
Where solemn rushes whisper, and funny ripples quiver.
All day I’d watch the blue sky, all night I’d watch the black,
Floating in the soft waves, dreaming on my back,
And when I’d tired of dreaming, I’d call a passing fish,
“I want to find the sea!” I’d shout, “Come! You can grant my wish!”

He’d bite me from my moorings, and softly I would slip
To the center of the river like an ocean-going ship.
The waves would laugh upon me. The wind would blow me fast,
And oh, what shores and wonders would greet me as I passed!
Yes, if I were a water-lily, I’d sail to sea in state
A green frog for my captain and a dragon-fly for my mate!”
A poem by John Chipman Farrar.


Birth of a whale

Whales are pregnant for 9 – 18 months.
After birth the female whale feeds her young by producing milk which her child then suckles on from her nipple.
Suckling may continue anywhere from 6 months to 2 years or more.
In a family the female whale is referred to as the cow, the male is called the bull and the child is known as the calf.

“Birth of a whale”


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